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Blackmores PAW

Blackmores NZ is one of  New Zealand’s leading natural health companies for both people and dogs, passionate about natural health based on their expertise in vitamins, minerals, herbs and nutrients. 

Their range of PAW products are made especially with dogs in mind and include; 

Grooming Products  

Such as gentle medicated shampoo and conditioner which is naturally gentle, sulphate free and great for sensitive coat and skin. 

Joint Health 

Osteocare chews have high doses of Glucosamine Sulfate & Chondroitin Sulfate, these tasty kangaroo chews provide everyday joint care, helping to improve joint function and health in younger, older and larger dogs
Mental Health & Well Being

Complete Calm Chews are highly palatable kangaroo flavoured chews containing the key ingredient of Tryptophan to help maintain a healthy immune system and benefitting dogs displaying signs of stress, anxiety and other stress related behaviour.