ACANA pet food always goes beyond the first ingredient by sourcing high quality ingredients like animal proteins from fresh or raw free-run* chicken, and turkey, quail, ranch-raised meats, wild-caught or sustainably farmed fish, and cage-free eggs. Our recipes are also balanced with fruit, vegetables and botanicals to keep your pet healthy, happy and strong.
Acana Bountiful Catch Cat Food
From $12.99 - $89.99
Acana Homestead Harvest Cat Food
From $12.99 - $90.00
Acana First Feast Cat Food
From $12.99 - $44.99
Showing items 1-6 of 6.
ACANA pet food always goes beyond the first ingredient by sourcing high quality ingredients like animal proteins from fresh or raw free-run* chicken, and turkey, quail, ranch-raised meats, wild-caught or sustainably farmed fish, and cage-free eggs. Our recipes are also balanced with fruit, vegetables and botanicals to keep your pet healthy, happy and strong.